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Pleasantville Field


Dear Community Members,

As you are aware, there is near-constant demand for their use – physical education classes, recess, team practices and games, AYSO, Dad’s Club, residents getting exercise, and more.

That being the case, it is important that we all understand and adhere to the rules governing use of our fields. We want to ensure the safety of our students, the health of all users, and the maximum life expectancy of the fields themselves.

Here are the rules regarding use of our fields:

  • Like our school buildings, our fields and track may be used only by students and staff during the school day.
  • We know you love walking our track, but doing so while schools are in session is a breach of security and a safety concern.
  • We encourage you to continue to use our track whenever school is not in session and whenever students are not using it for practices.
  • Skateboards, scooters, bicycles, strollers, chairs, metal spikes, golf equipment and other items that might damage the fields are not permitted.
  • Pets are not allowed anywhere on school grounds. This includes the new track and fields.
  • To protect the financial investment we’ve made in our fields, water is the only beverage allowed on the new turf fields. Also, please refrain from bringing food onto the turf fields. Sunflower seeds are a major no-no. The seeds and their shells get in between the grass blades and can’t be easily removed by the machines used to keep the field in good shape.
  • Group use of the track and fields requires a permit

I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

In closing, please treat our  fields and our school buildings with care. For your children, this is their “home away from home.”

Parkway Field Detail

High School Field Detail

NOTE: DOGS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN ANY OF PARKS OR FIELDS IN PLEASANTVILLE. We are pleased to host you and your children, but please leave your pets at home!

High School Main, Side & Back

From Saw Mill Parkway Northbound: Take Exit 28 (Bedford Road). Turn right at end of ramp. At 1st Stop sign, bear right onto Bedford Road. Proceed approximately ½ mile. At library turn right onto Romer Avenue. At stop sign, turn left for High School Main and High School Side Field; turn right and a quick left for High School Back Field.

From Saw Mill Parkway Southbound: Take Exit 29 (Manville Road). Turn right at end of ramp. At 1st light turn right onto Pleasantville Road, which turns into Bedford Road. Proceed approximately ½ mile. At library turn right onto Romer Avenue. At stop sign, turn left for High School Main and High School Side Field; turn right and a quick left for High School Back Field.

From Taconic Parkway: Take Pleasantville Exit. Follow Pleasantville Road, which becomes Bedford Road approximately 1.9 miles into Pleasantville. At library turn right onto Romer Avenue. At stop sign, turn left for High School Main and High School Side Field; turn right and a quick left for High School Back Field.

From East (Route 120): From 120, turn West onto Bear Ridge Road which becomes Church Street and proceed to stop sign. Turn right onto Broadway. At 1st light, turn left onto Bedford Road. Proceed approximately 1/3 mile. At library turn right onto Romer Avenue. At stop sign, turn left for High School Main and High School Side Field; turn right and a quick left for High School Back Field.

 Farrows Large, Farrows Small, Parkway

From Saw Mill Parkway: Take Exit 27 (Thornwood). At 1st light, turn left onto Marble Avenue going North. Proceed approximately 0.4 miles and turn left onto Village Lane. Park in MLA parking lot. Farrows Large is the field to the immediate right of the bleachers; Farrows Small is one field over to the right of the bleachers. Parkway is behind the bleachers.

From Taconic Parkway: Take Pleasantville Exit. Follow Pleasantville Road, which becomes Bedford Road approximately 1.5 miles into Pleasantville. At light, turn right onto Marble Avenue. Proceed approximately ¼ mile. Turn right onto Village Lane. Park in MLA parking lot. Farrows Large is the field to the immediate right of the bleachers; Farrows Small is one field over to the right of the bleachers. Parkway is behind the bleachers.

From East (Route 120): From 120, turn West onto Bear Ridge Road which becomes Church Street and proceed to stop sign. Turn right onto Broadway. At 1st light, turn left onto Bedford Road. Proceed approximately 1 mile. At 2nd light turn left onto Marble Avenue. Proceed approximately ¼ mile. Turn right onto Village Lane. Park in the MLA parking lot. Farrows Large is the field to the immediate right of the bleachers; Farrows Small is one field over to the right of the bleachers. Parkway is behind the bleachers.


Soldiers & Sailors

From Saw Mill Parkway Northbound: Take the Grant Street Exit. Turn left at the light onto Manville Road (Rt 117). Follow Manville/117 approximately 1 mile, you will see the park on your right hand side.

From Saw Mill Parkway Southbound: Take Exit 29 (Manville Road). Turn right at end of ramp. Proceed straight thru 3 sets of lights. Follow Manville approximately 1 mile, you will see the park on your right hand side.

From Taconic Parkway: Take Pleasantville Exit. Follow Pleasantville Road, which becomes Bedford Road approximately 1.9 miles into Pleasantville. At traffic light, make a left onto Manville Road/117. Follow Manville/117 approximately 1 mile, you will see the park on your right hand side

From East (Route 120): From 120, turn West onto Bear Ridge Road which becomes Church Street and proceed to stop sign. Turn right onto Broadway. Go thru 1st light and make the next left onto Manville Road. Park is less than ½ mile on left.

BRS (BedfordRoadSchool)

From Saw Mill Parkway: Take Exit 28 (Bedford Road)). At end of ramp make a right and bear right at the next intersection onto Bedford Road…follow Bedford Road approximately ½ mile ..BRS is one block past library on the left.

From Taconic Parkway: Take Pleasantville Exit. Follow Pleasantville Road, which becomes Bedford Road approximately 2 miles into Pleasantville. BRS is one block past library on the left.

From East (Route 120): From 120, turn West onto Bear Ridge Road which becomes Church Street and proceed to stop sign. Turn right onto Broadway. At 1st light, turn left onto Bedford Road. Proceed approximately ¾ mile. BRS is on the right.